Beyond Annihilation of Space and Time
Participating Artists: Aya Hastwell, Caroline Wheeler, Ean Nicole Konopnicki, Pragya Bhargava. Sally Stenton, Sandy Layton, Sarah Praill, Svetlana Atlavina

This project was inspired by The Annihilation of Space and Time open call by zerofeedback. The call sparked an unexpected relay of diverse creative gestures. We layered and reworked each other’s images, destroyed our own work, responded to the theme through collaborative writing activities, then recorded and overlaid our voices. Our collaborative writing invited unhuman elements to mix and reorder the text and we watched and listened as new meanings materialised in the ether. All this led to a powerful ritual burning of our words on the border of land and sea. In the processes of destruction there was the sense of a potency arising through the emptiness, and an insight into how annihilation allows a new kind of intimacy without edges.