Potpourri: Open Call

Are you engaged in Collective Art Practice, as part of an Artists’ Collective or in some other form?
We are creating an online publication that will explore the diversity of collective art practices across the globe and you are invited to submit a page. The page can be in the form of text and/or image and be created through a Collective process.
How would you convey the essence of your Collective? How do your collective endeavours settle in the world and beyond? How do you work symbiotically through differences and challenges?
The term Potpourri with its paradoxical meanings seems an apt provocation for this Open Call. The common meaning ascribed to it now is a medley of spices and dried petals used to perfume a room but it wasn't always so. For the open call we are looking for Collectives that question, investigate, compromise, experiment and evolve using creative processes as an active method of experimenting and making together. We welcome all submissions that embrace the paradoxes of collective practices.
The project aims to spark conversations between Collectives, to illuminate vital art activity that is below the institutional radar and to interrogate and celebrate collective art practices. The publication will enable communication, sharing of ideas, creating opportunities for collaboration and exploring what it means to be a Collective in these current times.
For the purposes of this Open Call the term ‘Collective’ refers to a group engaged in exchange and collaboration over a period of time who have worked together on at least one project in the past.
Art practice refers to all media including visual art, writing, sound, performance, movement, sculpture etc.
The collective can encompass human and other than human, from all around the world, with no constraints on age, approach, or technique.
Submission Guidelines
You are invited to submit a collectively created page that conveys the essence, methods, or distinctive qualities of your collective. We are looking for creativity in the way that the task is approached, so that it conveys your group processes. Hence it might have a raw, unfinished, dynamic, informal vibe, be a polished final design or somewhere otherwise.
Please upload an A4 (2480 x 3508 px @ 300 ppi) designed page that is ready to publish. The page can contain text, drawings, images, mixed media or any other format that can be printed. Submissions should be sent as high resolution JPEG or PDF files.
Selected submissions will be published alongside a short piece of text about your Collective. We will work with the shortlisted Collectives on the final layout and text at a later stage.
Include answers to the questions in the application form.
There is no submission fee.
Extended Deadline
16 OCTOBER, 2023
12.00 midnight, GMT
When you are ready to submit your entry for the Open Call use the link below: